Final Call Oxford 1/2, AGM, End of Season Awards and Cross-Country

Hello OxfordTri Family

Lots in this newsletter this week so do make sure to read all the way to the bottom! I’ll keep this bit short to help. A final call for volunteers to help at the Oxford 1/2 next weekend we are taking over an aid station which means OxfordTri branding, tunes and a good time. There are more details below we currently have 18 people signed up which is amazing however we could probably do with another 5 or so just to make things run smoothly. The organises have also said that friends and family can sign up and in turn get 50% of Blenheim Palace Triathlon next year. Do check out more below.

Also committee meeting on Monday which will be the last before our AGM, so please do share anything that you feel we should be considering as we lead up to this important time.

Have an amazing weekend.

God Bless


Final Call – Oxford 1/2 Marathon Volunteering

A final call for volunteers for the Oxford 1/2 Marathon next weekend. As mentioned after a large number of our OxfordTri family volunteered incredibly successfully at Blenheim Palace Triathlon earlier in the year we are continuing to work with Motiv Sport the organiser for both Blenheim Palace Triathlon and the Oxford 1/2. Since working with Motive Sport they have helped to advertise our Open Water Swims May which brought over £4k into the club, given us over 16 free spaces for Blenheim Palace Triathlon this past year and fully covered the costs of our recent first aid course for coaches.

We are delighted to share the following rewards package for OxfordTri members (and now friends and family Oxford will get 50% off a Sprint Tri at Blenheim) who volunteer at Oxford 1/2 or/and Blenheim Palace Triathlon (The club will also benefit based on the number of volunteers);

  • Volunteer at Oxford 1/2 – 50% Off Sprint Tri @ Blenheim / 0.5 Token for free entry to Sprint Tri @ Blenheim
  • Volunteer @ Blenheim Saturday AM or PM Only – 50% Off Sprint Tri @ Blenheim / 0.5 Token for free entry to Sprint Tri @ Blenheim
  • Volunteer @ Blenheim Saturday ALL Day – 1 Token = free entry to Sprint Tri @ Blenheim

Next weekend we have been invited to take over Aid Station 3 (I had said aid station 2 earlier) this one is just slightly further up the road which at approximately 55 Cherwell Drive, OX3 0NA. We have also finalised the timings so those volunteering would need to be at the aid station from 7:30am till approximately 11am. We will have some tunes and OxfordTri Branding

We are currently sitting at 18 volunteers, it would be lovely to have around 25 as we are running the aid station on our own. Friends and family are welcome to join us, we ask anyone helping signs up using the following link.

Here –

OxfordTri Goes Cross-Country – 2024/25 Season

We are fast approaching the Cross Country season and the Club will again be competing in the Oxfordshire Cross Country League. As in previous seasons the League runs on the first Sunday of every month from November to March. It is often the highlight of the year for many club members both on a competitive level and also a social one. Last year we had our highest ever OxfordTri representation with 46 members taking part across the league. 

Each race day we often travel as a team so don’t worry if you don’t have transport as lifts should be available to the race venue, where we will then run around in the mud for about 7km before finishing with homemade cake, or on the odd occasion a pub lunch. The first race of the year is on Sunday 3rd November.

In order to join in with the muddy fun you need to sign up firstly for an English Athletics Membership which is £19 for the 2024/25 season, if you don’t already have one. Then your entry for the league which is £20 for the five races which is fantastic value for money. Please see below the two links for signing up and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Katie and Clive who are our amazing Cross Country Coordinators via

English Athletics Membership – HERE

Cross Country League Entry – HERE

End of Season Awards Dinner – Save the Date

We are delighted to share details of our End of Season Awards Dinner, taking place on the 15th of November at Brasserie Blanc in Jericho. It’s always a highlight for many in the club and we are excited again to be together to celebrate this year. Tickets will be available in next weeks newsletter, so keep an eye out.

OxfordTri Annual General Meeting

We will be sending out a more formal notice in the next week or so but a date for the diary, our Annual General Meeting will be taking place online via zoom on the 24th of October starting at 8pm and aiming to finish as close to 9pm as possible.

We would encourage members to prioritise this and as a result there will be no coached track session on that date. This is your club and we would hope that you would want to be informed and involved in it’s continued growth and development in the future.

After discussion with the committee we are going to consider reducing the committee size. In turn we are hoping to share a number of regular task that we would love some support with, this wouldn’t require members to be a committee member etc. Please do consider if you could help out in this way and do get in touch if you have any skills or talents which you think would continue to help our club develop and grow.

More details to follow soon

Tuesday Night Coached Spin – Oxsrad

We are delighted to share that our traditional Tuesday night spin class which takes place at Oxsrad has returned on Tuesday nights (sign ups now live!). The session is coached and runs from 7-8pm.

Training Calendar 

See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.

Monday 7th October: Coached Swim – Leys Pool @ 20:00

Tuesday 8th October: Coached Spin– Oxsrad @ 19:00

Tuesday 8th October: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00

Wednesday 9th October: Coached Swim – Radley @ 20:00

Thursday 10th October: Coached Run – Horspath Track @ 19:00

Friday 11th October: Coached Swim – Kidlington @ 19:00

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