AGM, Cross Country and End of Season Awards Dinner

Hello OxfordTri Family

I hope that you’ve had a great week. It was so amazing to have a huge OxfordTri squad helping out at the Oxford 1/2 Marathon last weekend. We had an amazing time as you can see by the photo and it was so lovely to see some old and some new faces as we helped all those taking part.

This is a busy newsletter with lots of important stuff so please do take the time to read it. A particular mention for our AGM this Thursday, then also our deadline for Cross Country entries which is the close of play on this Monday the 21st of October and finally our End of Season Awards Dinner, where you can now nominate your fellow club members below.

I hope you have a great weekend.

God Bless


Annual General Meeting

Join us for our Annual General Meeting on Thursday 24th of October at 8pm, where we’ll be trying out a new format with the hope of making it more accessible for everyone. The meeting will be held online via Zoom and will run until around 9pm. During this time, we’ll cover important updates on how the club is doing, carry out elections for committee and wider club roles, and share how you can contribute in the future.

To join the AGM please sign up as you would a normal club training session using the following link – Here

Once you have signed up you should receive an email with the link to the zoom call alternatively it can be found below

AGM Zoom Link –

There is the opportunity to help support the club through 14 different roles (5 Executive Committee and 9 Wider Club Roles) which members can stand for. Those existing members in current committee roles will need to re-stand should they wish to continue in their role. 

The election process will work as follows, and you must be a OxfordTri member to take part:

1. Check out the following document which highlights all the committee and wider club roles in which members can help support the club through. 

OxfordTri Committee and Wider Roles Here

2. If you’d like to put yourself forward for a role then send an email to  with the name of the role you’d like to stand for, and if you would like to be part of the management committee (this is not compulsory). Please include a paragraph of a maximum of 200 words explaining why you’d be suited for the position and what you’d bring to the role (This is in case you can’t make it on the night). Please submit your intention to stand by 12am Wednesday 22nd October.

3. During the AGM each role will be considered with regards to any members who have submitted an intention to stand. They will be given up to 2 minutes to explain why they are suited for the position and what they’d bring to the role. Once all members who have intended to stand for a role those members present will vote on who to elect.

The current committee’s intentions are as follows:

Executive Committee 

Chair – Craig Bathgate, standing down
Club Secretary – Vacant
Treasurer – Eleanor Cameron, standing for re-election

Lead Coach – Sean Nicolle, standing for re-election
Website Lead – Lee Watson, standing for re-election

Wider Club Roles

Membership Lead – Liz Merrett, standing for re-election

Welfare Officer – Jane Bell, standing for re-election
Kit Lead – Grace Gilbert, standing down
Social Lead – Grace Gilbert, standing down
Social Media/Publicity Lead – Vacant 

Lake Lead – Vacant
Treasurer Assistant – Vacant 

Assistant Coach/Venue Coordinator – Vacant 

Website Assistant – Vacant

*Members who stand for these roles can opt to be part of the Management Committee which meets monthly to guide the clubs activities. 

AGM Agenda

The 2024 AGM Agenda will be as follows

2000-2010, Welcome/Introduction, Apologies, Quorum, 2023 AGM Minutes for Approval 

2010-2030, Executive Committee Reports (Treasurer, Lead Coach, Website Lead, Chair) 

2030-2035, Q&A on Executive Committee Reports

2035-2040, Vote on amendments of the constitution 

2040-2100, Election of committee and wider club roles for 2024

2100-onwards, AOB

Please also see below links to the following important documents which will be used/referenced throughout the AGM, including minutes from 2023, a financial report and proposed updated club constitution. 

2023 AGM MinutesHere

2023/24 Financial ReportHere

2024 Proposed Club ConstitutionHere

If you do have any other questions about the AGM please email

OxfordTri Goes Cross-Country – 2024/25 Season

We are fast approaching the Cross Country season and the Club will again be competing in the Oxfordshire Cross Country League. As in previous seasons the League runs on the first Sunday of every month from November to March. It is often the highlight of the year for many club members both on a competitive level and also a social one. Last year we had our highest ever OxfordTri representation with 46 members taking part across the league. 

Each race day we often travel as a team so don’t worry if you don’t have transport as lifts should be available to the race venue, where we will then run around in the mud for about 7km before finishing with homemade cake, or on the odd occasion a pub lunch. The first race of the year is on Sunday 3rd November.

In order to join in with the muddy fun you need to sign up firstly for an English Athletics Membership which is £19 for the 2024/25 season, if you don’t already have one. Then your entry for the league which is £20 for the five races which is fantastic value for money. Please see below the two links for signing up and if you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact Katie and Clive who are our amazing Cross Country Coordinators via

English Athletics Membership – HERE

Cross Country League Entry – HERE

*Please note the deadline for signing up to take part is close of play on Monday the 21st of October.

End of Season Awards Dinner

Join us for OxfordTri’s End of Season Awards Dinner, an evening to celebrate a fantastic year together as club family! Our dinner will take place at Brasserie Blanche in Jericho, with a 7:30 pm arrival for a glamorous two-course meal, including half a bottle of wine per person. Dress to impress with a hint of our club colours and enjoy an exciting awards presentation.

With only 52 places available, don’t miss out! Plus ones are welcome. Be sure to purchase your tickets and complete the menu selection (sent in email confirmation) by 5pm on November 1st. We can’t wait to celebrate all the amazing things that have happened over the past year.

Key Details

Date/Time – 15/11/24, 7:30pm

Location – Brasserie Blanche, Jericho

Cost – £45

Dress – To impress with a hint of club colours

Awards Presentations

Plus 1s Welcome

Tickets can be purchased here –

Award Voting

Please use the following link to vote for your fellow club members under the following award categories (please note you don’t need to have someone in mind for all of these to vote)

  • Female Athlete of the Year
  • Male Athlete of the Year
  • Most Improved Female Athlete of the Year
  • Most Improved Male Athlete of the Year
  • Club Member of the Year

Voting Link – HERE

Training Calendar 

See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.

Monday 21st October: Coached Swim – Leys Pool @ 20:00

Tuesday 22nd October: Coached Spin– Oxsrad @ 19:00

Tuesday 22nd October: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00

Wednesday 23rd October: Coached Swim – Radley @ 20:00

Thursday 24th October: OxfordTri AGM – Online @ 20:00

Friday 25th October: Coached Swim – Kidlington @19:00

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