Hello OxfordTri Family,
I hope that this finds you well firstly a massive thanks to those who have helped with our Open Water Swim Familiarisation session over the past four Saturdays. From those helping at registration, supervision, coaching and assisting in the water. Your contribution helped to make the experience for those taking part as welcoming and as positive as possible. We’ve already had so many amazing snippets of feedback from some of the over 200 people that we have helped over the past couple of weeks. So Thank You!

A heads up that we are going to be inviting everyone who attended these sessions to join our Burgers and Beers social so do be sure to sign up asap to ensure that you don’t miss out. More information below
Finally, Lizzy, Kellys wife is happy for us to share the details of his funeral arrangement which is 1pm on Tuesday the 4th of June at the South Oxfordshire Crematorium. With refreshments at the Maybush, Newbridge afterwards.
I hope you have a great weekend.
God Bless
Burgers and Beers Social @ The Lake

We are excited to share that we are going to be having our famous Burgers and Beers Social at Queenford Lake on Wednesday the 12th of June 2024.
This will involve the opportunity to swim as part of our normal OxfordTri Wednesday Night Social Swim 7-8pm. With the Burgers and Beers served from 7:30 (dietary requirements and a selection of non-alcoholic drinks will be provided).
***Please email any dietary requirements to Graceë Gilbert (ge.gilbert@hotmail.com)***
The cost is £10 per person and this will include a minimum of 1 burger and 2 beverages.
This year we are using a ticketed system to try and speed up the serving system and to enable us to better gauge the quantities of food and drink for the evening. Tickets are limited so if you know you can make it, please do buy them as soon as possible.
Deadline for buying tickets will be 10pm on the 9th of June after this point we will not be able to guarantee that you will be able to get food/drink.
Tickets can be purchased using the following link – https://www.oxfordtri.uk/product/burgersandbeers12ofjune/
We would love for friends and family to join us and on this occasion, they will be able to join in the 7-8pm swim as long as they are an adult, can swim 400m unaided, have the correct kit (Tow Float and Bright Swim Cap) and have signed up for our Free Open Water Swimming Familiarisation Membership (this enables us to store ICE details)
Link to sign up for the Open Water Swimming Familiarisation Membership – https://www.oxfordtri.uk/membership-account/membership-checkout/?level=4
If you have any questions about the event please email info@oxfordtri.co.uk
Bike and Run Time Trial (BaRTT) – Stuart

The days are longer, the evenings are warmer, race season in nearly upon us. That means it is time for return of the Bike and Run Time Trial (BaRTT).
BaRTT will once again be held at Oxsrad this Tuesday. This is a great opportunity to test your bike, run and transition skills, or hone your race preparation, all with a bit of fun thrown in with fellow members.
The run route is a 1-mile loop around Old Marston with a mix of pavement, path and sports field and the bike route is over a 6-mile loop, familiar to many, up the hill into Elsfield and back though Woodeaton.
Athletes start in groups of similar level (sometimes individually) with time gaps between each group. Slower athletes start earlier, and faster athletes start later to ensure that no one is left on the course on their own and everyone finishes at about the same time.
18:50 – Pre-event brief – All athletes to attend
19:01 – First athlete starts
19:20 – Last athlete starts
20:30 – Everyone finished
20:45 – Optional liquid refreshment (at the nearest pub)
More information and sign up can be found on our website via the following event link – https://www.oxfordtri.uk/sessions/bike-and-run-time-trials-bartt-2024-05-14/
Training Calendar
See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.
Tuesday 28th May: BaRTT – Oxsrad @ 18:45
Tuesday 28th May: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00
Tuesday 28th May: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00
Wednesday 29th May: Coached Swim – Radley Pool @ 20:00
Thursday 30th May: Coached Run – Horspath Track @ 19:00
Friday 31st May: Coached Swim – Kidlington Pool @ 19:00
Saturday 1st May: Social Open Water Swim – Queenford Lake @ 08:00