Good Evening Oxford Tri Family,
I hope everyone is well. I find myself in the warmer climates of Portugal this week so I hope that it is not too cold still back in Oxford. I am here with work, however have managed to extend my stay which means that I have got myself a much-needed little winter training camp. For those who have never been to Lisbon before there are plenty of hills to give Headington Hill a run for its money however there also plenty of tempting patisseries especially those custard tart things. I have a funny feeling that I may be seeing more of the patisseries than the hills.

I was coaching swim on Monday night at Abingdon and it was great to see some new faces along with some old ones too. Week on week at the moment as a club we are seeing our sessions grow which is great to see. Whether you feel like part of the furniture or have just recently joined may I encourage you this week to speak to someone you don’t know at a session or perhaps join our very social and relaxed Parkrun gathering at Horspath.
Finally, a little earlier than planned we are excited to share with you that our Radley Triathlon event is returning on Monday the 29th of May. This is the first time as a club has hosted this event in a number of years and a huge amount of work has gone on behind the scenes to make this possible. This event provides a significant income for the club which we pass onto you as members through your membership. With this in mind please do think about keeping the 29th of May free your diaries. We need a minimum of 30 volunteers to make this happen. More information will follow in the coming weeks
Anyway, I hope you all have a great week
God Bless
Chilly Duathlon
A reminder that our first Club Championship Event of the year is the Chilly Duathlon which takes place on the 5th of March this year down near Chippenham at Castle Combe Race Track. I first took part in this event almost 8 years ago as a University Student. It was my first ever multi-sport event and I absolutely loved it. The course is fantastic you run around the outside of the race track and then you cycle on it. Trust me you won’t cycle on a better surface this year and this an amazing event if you have never tried anything like it before. The only possible down side, they call it the chilly for a reason and no you don’t have to eat chillies in transition…
We have already have an amazing number of Oxford Tri members signed up and it would be awesome to see even more! We have also secured a club discount code to enter which can be found here along with details of the Club Championships. As we are trying to be more sustainable as a club, closer to the event we will be organising some lift shares. If transport would be an issue, please do get in touch with me at

Bike and Run Time Trial (BARTT)
BaRTTs will once again be returning to the Oxford Tri calendar. For those of you whom have never experienced a BaRTT this is a monthly training-based session which consists of a Bike and Run. Members start in groups of similar abilities with time gaps between each group. This encompasses a handicap element with slower athletes heading off first with faster athletes starting later. I have heard many great things about the club. BaRTTs and I am excited that they are going to be returning soon.
With this in mind we are looking for a handful of members to become “Team BaRTT”. This team will help to organise and facilitate these sessions along with keeping the series results up to date. This is an amazing way to give back to the club. Check out some photos from the OxTri archive below. If you are interested in being part of the BaRTT Team please contact me at

Sleep – Virtual Talk
GO TO SLEEEEEEEEEEEPPPPP ZZZzzzz, join our next virtual talk on Wed 1st February at 20:00 hrs. Optimising Sleep & how it helps training, adaption & performance. Sleep is often over looked and taken for granted. Approximately 2/3 of adults in the UK do not get enough sleep. Getting enough sleep will reduce your risk of injury and illness whilst maximising your adaptions and performance.
The Talk Focus
· Steps to ensure you get a good night sleep
· What to avoid and what to do before bed
The Talk Layout
· The talk will last 20-30 minutes
· Time for questions at the end
Sign up here for Zoom Details –> –

Training Calendar
See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.
Saturday 28th January: Oxford Tri does Horspath Parkrun @ 09:00
Monday 30th January: Turbo from Home @ 19:00
Monday 30th January: Coached Swim – Abingdon @ 20:30
Tuesday 31st January: Coached Spin Bike Session – Oxrad @ 18:30
Tuesday 31st January: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00
Tuesday 31st January: Coached Swim – Thame @ 20:00
Wednesday 1st February: Coached Swim – Radley Pool @ 19:30
Thursday 1st February: Track Horspath Athletic Grounds @ 19:00
Friday 2nd February: Strength and Conditioning at Home @ 07:15
Friday 2nd February : Coached Swim Lanes Kidlington Pool @ 19:00