Good Evening OxfordTri Family!
I hope that this finds you well. I’ve had an amazing week and managed to get along to our new Monday Night swim at the Leys Pool. It was so lovely to see many new faces and also to have two coaches in Doug and Alice who provided an excellent session for all. Then on Thursday night I managed to make it back in time to take in a record attendance for the year at our Coached Run session at Horspath Athletics Track which was led by Stuart. Again, lots of new face some of whom I managed to get to know a little which was delightful.
Anyway enough from me. There’s lots in this Newsletter but I would particularly like to highlight the opportunity to volunteer at the Oxford 1/2 in a couple of weeks time. I am aware that we have a number of members of who are taking part in it, so what better way to support them and to give back to the wider Oxford sporting community. Check it out below.
Have a great weekend.
God Bless
Oxford 1/2 Marathon Aid Station
On the 15th of October it is the Oxford 1/2 Marathon. The organisers have asked us if we would be up to the challenge of running one of the aid stations. It is the same people who run Blenheim Tri whom a number of us volunteered with earlier in the year and we had a great time. We also had a great opportunity as a result of this to have a stall and help people taking part. As a club we benefit hugely from supporting these kinds of events and it’s also just a great way to give back to our local sporting community.
As mentioned we have been assigned the task of manning the aid station next to the Dragon School on Bardwell Rd. I am trying to finalise timings still but it’s probably going to be approximately 8ish till about 13:30 at the latest.
This is an amazing opportunity to get to meet other club members and to give back to our local sporting community. You can sign up using the following link –
Any questions don’t hesitate to get in touch at

Save the Date, End of Season Awards – 3rd of November 2023
We are delighted to announce that our End of Season Awards Night will take place on the 3rd of November from 7:30 onwards. We are just finalising the details but hope to have them shared in the following weeks. So do keep an eye out.

Oxford Tri AGM + Social 2023 – 19th October 2023
This a notice to all that our Annual General Meeting will take place on the 19th of October at Oxrad starting at 7pm. There will be pizza provided for all that attend with also the possibility of a trip to the near by Victoria Arms afterwards. More information will be shared about this in the coming weeks but in the mean time do be thinking if you would be able to help the club continue to grow and improve through joining our committee team.
Spirit of Belron Challenge – Lee Watson
Every year Belron (Autoglass) challenges its employees, associates, friends and family to travel as many KMs in a single week to raise money for Afrika Tikkun (
Afrika Tikkun is a South African based charity which specialises in the development and growth of children from Craddle to Career. They cover all aspects of life from basic essientials (Food, Water, Medicines) to Education & Careers.
SOBC is all about bringing people together from all across the world, and getting out there. Over the past 20 years it has raised over €20 million for Afrika Tikkun, toppping in €2.2 million last year from nearly 10,000 participants.
This year SOBC aims to beat that, and will run from 13th Sept to 23rd Sept. It is a suggested £5 donation to take part, which belron will match. Additionally for every 1KM moved (walk, run, swim, cyle, row, wheelchair etc) belron will donate another €1 to Afrika Tikkun.
It is open to all friends and family and seeing as we are an active group who regularly rack up alot of KMs in a single week, I thought id share the event, incase anyone was interested in taking part.
To join you just need to download the app (it links to strava, garmin, apple watch etc) and make a suggested £5 donation. If you wish to take part or have any questions please email Lee Watson at
Promo video for highlights from last years event.

Race Report – Reading Sprint Triathlon – Lee
Just getting this in there before the real athletes in Wales and Reading write up an awesome piece. First triathlon back since injury showed up at Ironman Bolton 70.3 in October 2021. I did turn up at Castlecoombe in February but that was far too soon.
In the past, I have won my age group at Reading – but that was not the target today, completion and not looking like a bag of crap (failed on that point – but that was just waking up) were key aims.
So, cutting it short, decent swim, 13.43 which I was over the moon with, however garmin does have the swim at just 650m – but still happy.
Out on the bike – the Bianchi Oltre is just sublime – a aero road bike, not TT, but did me proud. I don’t have current speed to warrant a TT bike, let alone time spent in the cockpit. The drag uphill in the first half reminded me of why I don’t like hills, but it was fun and I did not drop too many places. I had no time expectations so don’t know if 48.38 is good for 22km – but it felt ok.

Then the run, the hardest part of my reintroduction to triathlon. I have really struggled to find run legs (easily found an extra 10kg in weight though during injury – correlation?). We have been hitting 5km runs and also brick sessions, but in 2021 on Sean’s virtual BaRTT I could hit 22.5 min 5km off the bike. Now, I am starting at 30+ mins, and that is flattering the time!!
This year for the sprint, they have changed from 3 loops of the lake to 1 loop and then an out and back to the canal, through farmers fields with a single footed track for both out and back athletes.
It is true to say I was struggling by the time I hit the end of the lake loop but was plodding on, no sign of injury coming back etc, but certainly no sub 30 time. Then it happened, misfooted in the field and went down like an ice cold Peroni – actually thought I had done severe injury. A TVT female triathlete came back to me to make sure I was ok and a oncoming runner said she would get medical help – we are all racing our own races, but little things like this show we are all there also looking out for each other. I managed to get up, walk a few paces and then resume a painful jog. I truthfully cannot say that this might of slowed me down because I was not troubling Mo Farah in any parallel universe. But got to the end in a painful 35.41, to be greeted by the better half of Team Merrett, who then tells me she went down as well. Total time inc transitions 1:42.40.
Managed to get home, shower and nap (it’s an age thing) and then off to minor injuries as I cannot bloody stand on my left foot – fortunately only a sprain. The nice doctor asked if I had a bell to use for when I need to get Liz or kids to get me things, but then asked what time Liz would bring me in for X-ray tomorrow to find said bell inserted somewhere within my body.
But a good day out and thoroughly enjoyable – let’s see what 2024 brings.
Must also say well done to the real OxfordTri athletes out there today, Sarah, Tim, Stuart, Zara, Heine, Douglas and Judy – sorry if I missed anyone.
Training Calendar
See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.
Saturday 16th September: Social Swim – Queenford Lake @ 08:00
Monday 18th September: Coached Swim – Leys Pool @ 20:00
Tuesday 19th September: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00
Tuesday 19th September: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00
Wednesday 20th September: Coached Swim – Radley Pool @ 19:30
Thursday 21st September: Coached Run Session – Horspath Athletic Track @ 19:00
Friday 22nd September: Strength and Conditioning Online @ 07:15
Friday 22nd September: Coached Swim – Kidlington Pool @ 20:00