Hello Oxford Tri Family,
I hope that this finds you well. This one will be short and sweet as I am currently away in Leeds with work.
I just want to take this moment to highlight that we have our committee meeting this Monday. If you have anything that you feel like we should discuss then please don’t hesitate to reach out to me via the email below.
I hope that you all have a great weekend and I’ll see some of you on Saturday at the lake.
God Bless
Date for the Diary – Social @ The Lake – 30th of August
We are going to be having an end of summer social at Queenford Lake on Wednesday the 30th of August at 7pm. We are just finalising the plans but it will be very similar to our BBQ and Beers at the Lake which took place in May, hopefully with an additional racing element included.
Oxfordshire Triathlon Series – Club Champs 20th August

We currently have 12 Members signed up for the upcoming Oxfordshire Triathlon Series.
The Oxfordshire Triathlon Series at Queenford Lake. It’s a 1km open water swim, a scenic, fast yet challenging 35km bike route and a flat 7.5km run on Sunday the 20th of August.
Thanks to our club captain Sarah we have also managed to secure a 10% discount which makes it a really reasonable price considering the distance. This can be found under My Account and Partners and Discounts on the website found here Partners & Discounts – Oxford Tri. I have already signed up again as have five other members so we are at six so far, will you be next?
Thoughts for this one was to head to the Wandering Cafe afterwards.
Entries can be found here – https://www.britishtriathlon.org/events/Oxfordshire-Triathlon-Series_14119
Oxford 1/2 Marathon
One for the diaries. On the 15th of October it is the Oxford 1/2 Marathon. The organisers have asked us if we would be up to the challenge of running one of the aid stations. It is the same people who run Blenheim Tri whom a number of us volunteered at and we as a club benefit hugely from supporting these kinds of events. It is also just a great way to give back to our local sporting community. They have also asked if we would have anyone in the club who would be keen to act as a pacers too. More details to follow soon.

Training Calendar
See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.
Saturday 5th August: Open Water Swim – Queensford Lake @ 08:00
Monday 7th August: Coached Swim – Abingdon @ 20:30
Tuesday 8th August: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00
Tuesday 8th August: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00
Wednesday 9th August: Open Water Swim – Queensford Lake @ 19:00
Thursday 10th August: Coached Run Session – Horspath Athletic Track @ 19:00
Friday 11th August: Strength and Conditioning Online @ 07:15