Hello OxfordTri Family!
Firstly, apologies that this is a little later than usual. It’s been a busy week with lots on, lots of good things but I just ran out of time last night. I hope that you are doing well and that you have been able to make the most of the slightly more settled weather.
This week we have a couple of posts about giving back to the club through volunteering. For those who haven’t perhaps paid too much to our AGM or messaging around then it was voted into our constitution last year that there is an expectation that members volunteer once a year across a number of events.
Our hope is that you would feel that this is the right thing to do especially considering the value of our membership but perhaps more so the benefits that volunteering brings to not just to those doing it but for those who benefit from it. This is especially the case for our upcoming Aquathlon in April, please do consider if you can help support this event. I’ll drop the volunteer sign up link below
I hope you have a great weekend
God Bless
Oxford Aquathlon
We have shared over the past couple of weeks about our Aquathlon that we are partnering with British Triathlon and their “Swim Bike Run” program to run here in Oxford at the Leys Pool and Park.
The Aquathlon will take place on the 28th of April with racing starting at 9am. The format is a 200m Pool Swim and 3km Run. The entry will cost £20 making it an incredibly accessible event to our local community of Oxford and beyond.
Event Link – https://www.britishtriathlon.org/events/swim-bike-run-mini-oxford_15357
Facebook Event – https://www.facebook.com/events/
There are two things that we really love your help with at the moment. This is publicity and volunteering.
Firstly publicity, to make this event happen we need people and to get people we need to get the news out about our event. Our publicity team are doing an amazing job however much of our content only goes to you our members as you are those following us on social media. This is where we would love it if you were able to share some of the things that we put up on our instagram or Facebook page.
Facebook – https://www.facebook.com/photo?fbid=866155448848523&set=a.496943179103087
Instagram – https://www.instagram.com/p/C2VZzHFLg1O/

Secondly, to make the event happen we need an army of volunteers we are estimating roughly 20 people on the day. So that we can start planning we have a volunteer signup link where you can sign up as someone who is interested in volunteering on the day. Volunteering is an amazing way to give back to the club and local sporting community. Do sign up below if you think you’d be able to help out. After last weeks newsletter we are at about 30% of the volunteers needed to make the event run efficiently really special.
Secretary Vacancy
As you may have picked up on in our newsletter a few weeks ago we have sadly said Goodbye to Zara who has left Oxford for an incredibly exciting opportunity in Norway. This means that we now have a vacancy in our committee team for Secretary. Zara has noted below the things that the role involved and is happy to speak to anyone who is interested in possibly supporting the club through this role.
- Schedule monthly meetings
- Post meeting notes onto the website
- Use google meet/zoom for meetings
- First Monday of every month 19:30
- Take minutes of meetings
- Follow up on actions (week before meetings)
- Secretary inbox – reply accordingly and info inbox
- Schedule AGM
- READ Constitution
- Get agenda out in advance (can use last years)
- Invite all members
- Order Pizza
- Ask people to bring drinks
- Update as needed
- All OTC documents – distribution lists, aliases – all on google admin – lists of email lists – forwarding of emails – coaches group – committee group etc…- maintain and keep up to date
- Updating content on website when needed
- Mailchip – integrated to site for weekly newsletters
- Support chair/president as needed
- Support other committee members as needed
Update Your Details
Just a reminder that we have recently updated the website which has resulted in a number of things being reset and then the update has allowed us to add some things which we hope will enhance your experience as members. As a result we are asking all members to go to the ‘My Profile’ page on the website when logged in and to update the information which is on this page. Part of this includes our Emergency Contact Details which I’m sure you will agree are vital to be kept up to date. You can used the following link to go straight to that page – My Profile

Training Calendar
See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.
Monday 5th February: Coached Swim – Leys Pool @ 20:00
Tuesday 6th January: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00
Tuesday 6th January: Coached Spin – Oxsrad @ 19:00
Tuesday 6th January: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00
Wednesday 7th January: Coached Swim – Radley Pool @ 19:30
Thursday 8th February: Coached Run – Horspath Track @ 19:00
Friday 9th February: Strength and Conditioning Online @ 07:15
Friday 9th February: Coached Swim – Kidlington Pool @ 19:00
Friday 9th February: Coached Spin – Iffley Sports Centre @ 19:00