Weekend Adventures, Bring A Buddy Event and BaRTT

Hello OxfordTri Family, 

I was so great to see many old and new faces at the our Burgers and Beers social on Wednesday night. We were really blessed with regards to the weather and we can’t wait to do it again later on this summer.

As mentioned on the evening we have a few exciting things in the pipeline so please do keep an eye on these newsletters and our socials. Two of which are mentioned below in this edition.

Also a massive welcome to a number of new members who have joined the club over the past couple of weeks. We are so delighted that you’ve become part of the OxfordTri family and look forward to seeing you at some of our sessions. Please don’t be afraid to say that you’re new to a coach, or any other members who are there.

Have a lovely weekend and good luck to anyone racing, do be sure to share how you get on either via the Facebook group or send me an email and I can share it on here.

God Bless



Weekend Adventures

For those of you eagle eyed Facebookers you may have seen that we posted a Weekend Adventures post on the Facebook group. The idea of this group is to give club members the opportunity to share any Swim, Bike, Run related activities which they are up to over the weekend with the ability for others to join them. This is open to members of all abilities and objectives. Please see the below banner which helps to outline how it works.

If you are not on the Facebook group here is the link – https://www.facebook.com/groups/oxfordtri

For those not on Facebook who would like to be involved either as a participant or an organiser if you email info@oxfordtri.co.uk where we will try to help you as best as possible.

Bring a Buddy, Saturday Social Swim – 20th of July

We are delighted to share our next social event which is a ‘Bring a Buddy’ initiative for our Saturday Social Swim at Queenford Lake on the 20th of July 8-9am.

Friends and Family can join the session for £5 as long as they are an adult, can swim 400m unaided, have the correct kit (Tow Float and Bright Swim Cap). The club has a few spares however these are limited and will only be available on a first come first served basis via emailing info@oxfordtri.co.uk

Each participant who isn’t a club member is required to complete the following form prior to entering the water – https://forms.gle/GQHvwDnCVXwyZK9y6

Tickets for the event are now available and can be purchased using the following link – https://www.oxfordtri.uk/product/bringabuddy20thjuly/

(OxfordTri members do not need to purchase tickets in order to participate in this swim session)

Do you have a friend, colleague or family member who would be interested? Why not invite them along to this, as often many members will be heading in for Tea, Coffee and Cake in the Wandering Cafe afterwards.

The Oxfordshire Triathlon – 23rd June – Club Champs

On 26rd June it’s the 1st race of 2 in the Oxfordshire Triathlon series, a great race which is a bit longer than sprint but not quite a full Olympic distance. Ideal for anyone moving up from Sprint distance. The best part is that it’s so local and so will be lots of Oxford Triers and supporters.

We have a 10% off discount code which can be found when logged in under your Account and then Partners and Discounts

More information about the race can be found here – https://www.theoxfordtriathlon.co.uk

Bike and Run Time Trial (BaRTT) – Stuart

BaRTT on a Tuesday night at Oxsrad has slowly been growing in popularity. This is a great opportunity to test your bike, run and transition skills, or hone your race preparation, all with a bit of fun thrown in with fellow members. 

The run route is a 1-mile loop around Old Marston with a mix of pavement, path and sports field and the bike route is over a 6-mile loop, familiar to many, up the hill into Elsfield and back though Woodeaton.

Athletes start in groups of similar level (sometimes individually) with time gaps between each group. Slower athletes start earlier, and faster athletes start later to ensure that no one is left on the course on their own and everyone finishes at about the same time.


18:50 – Pre-event brief – All athletes to attend

19:01 – First athlete starts

19:20 – Last athlete starts

20:30 – Everyone finished

20:45 – Optional liquid refreshment (at the nearest pub)

More information and sign up can be found on our website

Training Calendar 

See the official calendar for full info and sign up links.

Monday 17th June: Coached Swim – Leys Pool @ 20:00

Tuesday 18th June: BaRTT – Oxsrad @ 18:45

Tuesday 18th June: Member Lead Social Run – Headington Hill @ 19:00

Tuesday 18th June: Coached Swim – Thame Pool @ 20:00

Wednesday 19th June: Social Open Water Swim – Queenford Lake @ 19:00

Thursday 20th June: Coached Run – Horspath Track @ 19:00

Saturday 21st June: Social Open Water Swim – Queenford Lake @ 08:00

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